Summer School – It’s Your Turn to Learn: Rule of Thirds
Welcome to a wonderful week of learning brought to you by some phenomenal instructors here at the My Favorite Things blog. We’re excited to share five lessons this week to take your creativity to the next level.
School may be out for the summer for most kids (cue Alice Cooper!), but we’re all about life-long learning around these parts! Grab a fresh notebook and a newly sharpened pencil and get ready to take notes as we share insights on some of the rules of design.
Perhaps you’ve been working on a project at your craft table and aimlessly moving around elements trying to find just the right position. Sometimes there’s that magical A-HA moment when it all falls into place. It’s likely that you struck upon one of the design rules without even knowing it!
We’re hoping that by the end of the week, our lessons will give you the confidence you need to create cards and projects that are pleasing to the eye just by following a few simple rules. Are you ready class? Let’s begin.
Lesson #1 – Composition: Rule of Thirds
Composition is the arrangement of elements on a card; the intentional ordering of elements for a visually pleasing and emotional reaction resulting in unity and consistency. We’ll have three lessons that fall under the composition umbrella this week.The first composition lesson centers around the concept of using the Rule of Thirds. The Rule of Thirds is the division of your card into nine equal parts by two equally-spaced horizontal lines and two equally-spaced vertical lines. This type of design leads to an overall visual that is pleasing to the eye.
Today’s instructor is My Favorite Things Design Team member Kimberly Crawford. Click HERE or simply watch the video below to learn more about using the Rule of Thirds in your designs.
I love Kimberly’s idea of creating a vellum grid to help in the design process. Super smart!
What a lovely finished product! And now that you know the thought process, you can see why it all makes sense!
To aid in your learning , we have created a My Favorite Things Summer School Study Guide. Download it HERE, and then print it. It will be a handy tool that you can refer to as you design!
This week you’re the student, and instead of grades, we’ve got two prizes per day and two ways to win. Using today’s lesson, we’d love for you to create a project that exemplifies what you learned and upload it to the link below. Master the lesson and win a $50 voucher from My Favorite Things and be featured on the blog on June 30. Just by participating, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a $20 voucher, so everyone has a chance!
All entries must be submitted by noon EDT on June 26th. Winners will be announced here on the blog on Tuesday, June 30.
Here’s your homework for your chance to win:- Create a project following the lesson you learned today.
- Be sure to link your project below for your chance to win!
Now make sure to do your homework! Class dismissed.