Inspired By…Coaches and Mentors


I don’t know about you, but I’ve been enjoying hearing your stories and seeing how you are inspired this week. We all have so much to share and that is an inspiration in itself!

On Monday, we paid homage to the teachers who have touched our lives. Chances are that during your formative years you participated in other activities before or after school, whether it was sports, music, drama, cheer, dance, scouting, youth group, volunteering, academic clubs,  etc.  Or maybe you’ve been involved in clubs or programs as an adult that have enhanced your quality of life. Your coaches and mentors had a hand in molding you into who you are today.

Let’s take a moment to reach back into the recesses of our memory (some of us have to reach farther than others!), and remember the coaches and mentors who mean so much to us.

Inspirational Coaches and Mentors

A good coach or mentor likely did or said things that helped you to understand, to acheive, to pursue. There’s nothing I love more than those inspiring speeches that coaches give before the big game. I’ll admit I’m a sports movie junkie. Check out this great quote from famed Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi:


I’ve always been a cheerleader at heart. I cheered in 7th and 8th grade, and drove my mother bonkers practicing routines in the grocery store and generally coming ALIVE on the sidelines. As an incoming freshman, I attended the meetings for tryouts in high school. I remember being SO intimidated. I came from a tiny school, and there were all of these lithe girls who could jump higher than me and do the splits. I totally bailed and joined the pep club instead.

Enter Lenore Lemanski, the cheerleading coach. I had cheered with her daughter in 8th grade, and she knew how much I loved it. At the end of my sophomore year she approached me and asked me to give it another shot. So I worked hard hoping to snag a spot on the JV team as a junior. And you know what? I made VARSITY. And the next year I was voted captain by my peers. Without Lenore’s prodding, I would never have done it.

Years later, I became a cheerleading coach, and I took a page from Mrs. Lemanski’s book and personally approached many girls. It paid off! And one of those girls went on to coach at the same school and did the same. A wonderful cycle was created!

Whew! That was long-winded, but a story I love to share.

Now let’s take a look at this fun coach inspired prize we’ve gathered. One winner will take away the Be Original stamp set, All-Star High Tops Die-namics, and an autographed copy of Melody Ross’s book Choose Happy which is sure to inspire you for a long time! All winners will be announced next week, so stay tuned for the announcement!

Here’s how to enter for your chance to win:
  1. Leave a comment on this blog post telling us about an inspirational coach or mentor you once had.
  2. Subscribe to our blog.
  3. Follow us on Pinterest.

Now it’s your turn to Tell Us about an Inspirational Coach or Mentor You Once Had!